Adult Acne Is Real — My Horrifying Journey

5 min readMay 16, 2020

After 8 years of adult acne issues, I learned that — there is no homemade experimental skincare routine.

Photo by Liubov Ilchuk on Unsplash

In 2012 I got adult acne due to polycystic ovaries and it wasn’t fun at all. I had clear skin my entire life. I never had issues with acne in puberty and my skincare was a simple day and night moisturizer and I washed my face with normal soap found in every single store and that was it. The occasional pimple here and there was never an issue and I was super happy and satisfied with my overall look.

However, in 2012, for 3 months, I had my face ruined. At first, I didn’t worry a lot. I bought some Clean and Clear products for acne-prone skin and I started using those. I also went to a dermatologist who was pointed out by my regular doctor and I thought that acne will be gone in a few months. I was wrong.

After spending 8 years going back and forth I finally got to a point where my dermatologist said that I look great. I am very happy but I had a long and painful battle. Here is what I learned.

A little bit of backstory…

The first dermatologist I went to was somebody who didn’t care about patients. She was rude and 19 years old me was confused, uneducated, and just wanted a quick solution. My mother came with me to that very first visit and started arguing with the doctor because she didn’t agree with her opinion. Overall, it was a mess. The doctor prescribed me some creams and sent me home for 2 weeks trial.

After 2 weeks nothing changed and she continued the “treatment” for 2 more weeks. There were 0 results after 2 weeks as well. As the ultimate solution, the dermatologist suggested I go to her office 3 times a week and do “burning method”. What she didn’t tell me was that this method was extremely old fashioned and dangerous and had 0 results. I was lucky my aunt found out about this “solution” and stopped me before burning my face with dangerous chemicals. My aunt is a dentist so she was a bit educated on the methods.

This was the first red flag but I didn’t see it. My problem wasn’t puberty. I was way past that phase and I had another problem and the doctor didn’t simply care. I was lucky my aunt stopped me from doing to that crazy procedure or I would have had scars for the rest of my life.

To move on with the story I spent the next 5 years going from one doctor to another, trying different procedures, treatments, medicine, creams, gels, etc. Eventually, my gynecologist discovered that I have polycystic ovaries and told me that the acne was coming from there. He was the only ray of sunshine in my nightmare. In the meantime, I also tried every single homemade mask, treatment, method, routine, tea mix, natural creams, literally everything people told me that helped somebody. I made changes in my lifestyle, I quit eating dairy and fried food, I started exercising regularly and I put together a nice morning and evening routine. (I wrote about my morning routine as well and you can read it here).

My solution came 3 years ago when I discovered my current dermatologist. This person is one of the most genuine people I have ever met and has helped me so much. However, I am not here to talk about him. I want to share what I learned and what may help somebody.

  1. Don’t give up.

No matter if the issue is big or small, no matter if you hate your face and your acne, don’t give up. There is a solution somewhere and you will eventually come to it.

2. Don’t pop or pick your acne

I know it sounds lame but after I got rid of acne I had to deal with painful procedures to get rid of the scars as well. I hated myself even more for that.

3. Don’t lie to yourself, instead educate yourself

I made the mistake of not googling and reading other experiences, comparing cases, and exploring products myself. Insted, I relied on the doctor’s opinion and other people’s recommendations and I hoped that the product will magically work. We live in times where everything is available on the internet so use that option wisely. I don’t advocate to try every single product that some influencer recommends, instead go to a dermatologist, talk and try to understand your issues. I wish I knew that praying for a product to work was not the best route.

4. Find a good doctor

Don’t be afraid to go from one place to another and ask questions. And don’t try to save money by cutting corners and using a product your cousin gave you. Your face is the most important thing on your body so don’t take that for granted. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations and advice. Bad doctors only damaged my skin and contributed to prolonging the process of healing and solving the issue. Make smart choices and be selective.

5. There is no homemade experimental routine

I know that the market is full of products and brands and options but that is not the solution. I have used 80% of all available skincare on the market before going to my current dermatologist. His first sentence to me was “I can give you the most expensive and highest quality products to use but that will not solve your issues, instead go and solve your polycystic ovaries and come back to me”. I admit I was angry. This overpriced doctor was sending me to another overpriced doctor and he says he can’t help me? I thought I was a fool and being played for my money. I went home disappointed. Eventually, my parents gave me money (I was still a college student) and I went to that other doctor. A joint therapy from both doctors was my final solution.

I don’t want to sound crazy but experimenting home and trying products is not going to help anyone. I have never in my life met a person who has told me “I bought this product that I saw on Instagram and it solved all my issues” but I have met many people who have said, “Investing in a good dermatologist was the best decision I have ever made”.

At last some final words… I am not a doctor, this is my personal experience and fight which I know I have won.

Be smart, be selective, read labels!

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