Things We Learned From “Gossip Girl”
“And who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me. xoxo, Gossip Girl”
The TV show Gossip Girl was huge when I was growing up. I remember watching it on my very first computer and just being impressed by all the outfits, style, events. I grew up in a lower middle class and nobody in my school was dressing lavishly and I had no idea about 99% of designer brands. Therefore, I never really took serious Gossip Girl. I watched it as something that will distract me for 45 min before returning to my regular life.
Recently, I was browsing through Pinterest and run into some Blair Waldorf style inspirations. Suddenly, I was back in my childhood and I sat down and rewatched some of my favorite episodes.
Here is what I realized:
- “I am Chuck Bass” is a thing
Chuck was my least favorite character. He was just too much for me and reminded me of a lot of my school bullies. However, when I rewatched the episodes 10 years later I understood the meaning of Chuck Bass and I remember all Chuck Bass type of people I encountered during my life.
Although Chuck Bass is an arrogant youngster in the series, I learned that no matter what you do be Chuck Bass. This means be serious, strict, and never ever give up on what you want. In business, love, life, be Chuck Bass. Add meaning to your words, brand yourself, adopt that insane confidence that things somehow must work in your favor.
However, don’t be arrogant and self-centered. Those are the attributes that put Chuck into lots and lots of trouble.
2. Dress like Blair Waldorf
There is no doubt that everyone on the show has an amazing style and outfits and although they have an army of stylists around them we may not enjoy the same luxury. However, we can be mindful of our clothes and the choices we make each day.
10 more minutes spent on putting the outfit together won’t ruin the world but can bring you a lot of good things.
3. Scheming will take you nowhere
Yes, we see a lot of scheming and lying and plot-twisting situations in Gossip Girl but that never ends well. If you have never seen Gossip Girl this may not make sense but if you have you remember all the Georgina, Blair, or Serena blackmailing and lying scenes. However, this never ended well. Insted, be prepared to have an intelligent answer and remove yourself from things, people, and situations that are looking shady and miscellaneous.
4. Be a good friend
Friend bonds are a huge statement of Gossip Girl. Even if the girls and guys had so many misunderstandings and hurt themselves so many times we need to understand that that is made on purpose for the plot to be funny and engaging. Looking on a deeper level, friendships are important. So if you are wrong or you have hurt someone just go and say I am sorry and try to fix that situation.
5. Don’t try to fit in
Jenny and Dan are the ultimate examples of trying to hard to fit in and doing it wrong. I understand the desire and need to be high class and hand out with the elite but if that is not your lane then you will get into trouble. Working your way out to the top by working hard on yourself and your goals may pay off but pushing yourself on something you aren’t is a dangerous and stupid game.
Do you have a favorite Gossip Girl lesson?